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Angaben zur Quelle [Bearbeiten]

Autor     Nat J. Colletta / Michelle L. Cullen
Titel    The nexus between violent conflict, social capital and social cohesion: case studies from Cambodia and Rwanda
Datum    September 2000
Anmerkung    The World Bank, Social Capital Initiative, Working Paper No. 23
URL    https://web.archive.org/web/20221126153117/https:/documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/318921468743671186/pdf/multi0page.pdf


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Fragmente    1

Fragmente der Quelle:
[1.] Analyse:Aaa/Fragment 023 08 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2023-04-14 11:26:42 Numer0nym
Aaa, Colletta Cullen 2000, Fragment, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Unfertig, Verschleierung

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 23, Zeilen: 8-18
Quelle: Colletta Cullen 2000
Seite(n): 2, Zeilen: 17 ff.
In this regard, Woolcock's (1998) model of social capital facilitates analysis across the aforementioned levels by presenting a comprehensive framework that incorporates four dimensions of social capital and describing their interrelations.

According to his model, integration represents strong ties, or those primordial links within the family or a tightly knit community that are defensive. Linkages encompass intercommunity and intergroup ties. The concept of organizational integrity and synergy respectively stated as effectiveness and ability to function and the states links communities. An advantage of Woolcock's model is that it integrates vertical and horizontal forms of social capital and their relationships, thus facilitating analysis and the targeting of policy recommendations at the macro, meso, and micro levels.

Woolcock's 1998 model of social capital facilitates analysis across various levels by presenting a comprehensive framework that incorporates four dimensions of social capital and describing their interrelations. According to his model, "integration" represents what Granovetter (1973) refers to as strong ties, or those primordial links within the family or a tightly knit community that are defensive. (See also Gittell and Vidal 1998 on the concept of bonding social capital.) "Linkages" encompass intercommunity and intergroup ties, or Granovetter's weak ties. The concepts of "organizational integrity" and "synergy" are respectively the state's effectiveness and ability to function and the state's links to the community. An advantage of Woolcock's model is that it integrates vertical and horizontal forms of social capital and their relationships, thus facilitating analysis and the targeting of policy and project recommendations at the macro, meso, and micro levels.