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Study of the influence of nanoparticles on the performance and the properties of polyamide 6

von Mohammad Reza Sarbandi

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[1.] Mrs/Fragment 002 01 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2015-01-25 14:09:01 WiseWoman
Fragment, Gesichtet, Monserrat De La Luz Garcia Curiel 2004, Mrs, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop, Verschleierung

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 2, Zeilen: 1-9
Quelle: Monserrat De La Luz Garcia Curiel 2004
Seite(n): 1 f., Zeilen: 1: last line, 2: 1 ff.
However, lack of hardness is one of the most significant flaws of polymers in many applications. Associated with the lack of hardness are the problems of low wear and scratch resistance as well as dimensional stability. The developments of conventional composite materials with ceramics as fillers and polymers as matrices are being researched extensively. Important examples of these composite materials are the semi-crystalline polymers mixed with inorganic particles. They consist of an amorphous-crystalline matrix (with a lamella thickness of typical size of 10 to 100 nm) and dispersed nanoparticles. They can be tailor-made to exhibit excellent elasticity (e.g., synthetic rubber) or optical transparency (e.g., polymethacrylates or Plexiglas). They can

[page 2]

be tailor-made to exhibit excellent elasticity (e.g., synthetic rubber) or optical transparency (e.g., polymethacrylates or PlexiglasTM). However, lack of hardness is one of the most significant flaws of polymers in many applications. Associated with the lack of hardness are the problems of low wear and scratch resistance as well as dimensional stability [26]. The developments of conventional composite materials with ceramics as fillers and polymers as matrices are being researched extensively. Important examples of these composite materials are the semi-crystalline polymers mixed with inorganic particles [27]. They consist of an amorphous-crystalline matrix (with a lamella thickness of typical size of 10 to 100 nm) and dispersed nanoparticles.

[26] Hutchings, I.M. Tribology. Friction and wear of engineering materials. Ed. Edward Arnold (1992).

[27] Schrauwen, B. Deformation and failure of semi-crystalline polymer systems. PhD Thesis University of Eindhoven. The Netherlands. (2003).


No source is given.

(SleepyHollow02), WiseWoman

[2.] Mrs/Fragment 002 13 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2015-04-25 22:33:19 WiseWoman
BauernOpfer, Bhattacharya et al. 2008, Fragment, Gesichtet, Mrs, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 2, Zeilen: 13-20
Quelle: Bhattacharya et al. 2008
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 2-9
Nanotechnology has created a key revolution in the 21th century exploiting the new properties, phenomena and functionalities exhibited by matters when dealt at the level of few nanometers as opposed to hundred nanometers and above [8]. Nanoscale materials are already recognized as unique because they produce qualitatively new behavior when compared with their macroscopic counterpart. It is understood that when the domain size within the materials becomes comparable with the physical length scale, such as segments of a polymer macromolecule, the expected physical phenomena and the response to any external disturbance do not follow the established principles.

[8] S. N.Bhattacharya, Rahul K. Gupta, Polymeric Nanocomposites Theory and Practice, Hanser 2008

Nanotechnology has created a key revolution in the 21st century exploiting the new properties, phenomena and functionalities exhibited by matters when dealt at the level of few nanometers as opposed to hundred nanometers and above. Nanoscale materials are already recognized as unique because they produce qualitatively new behavior when compared with their macroscopic counterparts. It is understood that when the domain size within the materials becomes comparable with the physical length scale, such as segments of a polymer macromolecule, the expected physical phenomena and the response to any external disturbance do not follow the established principles.
(Klgn), SleepyHollow02

[3.] Mrs/Fragment 002 20 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2015-01-24 23:23:52 WiseWoman
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Gesichtet, Mrs, Paul and Robeson 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop

Graf Isolan
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 2, Zeilen: 20-33
Quelle: Paul and Robeson 2008
Seite(n): 3187, Zeilen: li. Spalte 2ff. - re. Sp. 1
The field of nanotechnology is one of the most popular areas for current research and development in all technical disciplines. This obviously includes polymer science and technology and even in this field, the investigations cover a broad range of topics. This would include microelectronics (which could now be referred to as nanoelectronics) as the critical dimension scale for modern devices is now below 100 nm. Other areas include polymer-based biomaterials, nanoparticle drug delivery, mini emulsion particles, fuel cell electrode polymer bound catalysts, layer-by-layer self-assembled polymer films, electrospun nanofibers, imprint lithography, polymer blends and nanocomposites. Even in the field of nanocomposites, many diverse topics exist including composite reinforcement, barrier properties, flame resistance, electro-optical properties, cosmetic applications, bactericidal properties. Nanotechnology is not new to polymer science as prior studies before the age of nanotechnology involved nanoscale dimensions but were not specifically referred to as nanotechnology until recently. Phase separated polymer blends often achieve nanoscale phase dimensions; block copolymer domain morphology is usually at the nanoscale level; asymmetric [membranes often have nanoscale void structure, mini emulsion particles are below 100 nm; and interfacial phenomena in blends and composites involve nanoscale dimensions.] 1. Introduction

The field of nanotechnology is one of the most popular areas for current research and development in basically all technical disciplines. This obviously includes polymer science and technology and even in this field the investigations cover a broad range of topics. This would include microelectronics (which could now be referred to as nanoelectronics) as the critical dimension scale for modern devices is now below 100 nm. Other areas include polymer-based biomaterials, nanoparticle drug delivery, miniemulsion particles, fuel cell electrode polymer bound catalysts, layer-by-layer self-assembled polymer films, electrospun nanofibers, imprint lithography, polymer blends and nanocomposites. Even in the field of nanocomposites, many diverse topics exist including composite reinforcement, barrier properties, flame resistance, electro-optical properties, cosmetic applications, bactericidal properties. Nanotechnology is not new to polymer science as prior studies before the age of nanotechnology involved nanoscale dimensions but were not specifically referred to as nanotechnology until recently. Phase separated polymer blends often achieve nanoscale phase dimensions; block copolymer domain morphology is usually at the nanoscale level; asymmetric membranes often have nanoscale void structure, miniemulsion particles are below 100 nm; and interfacial phenomena in blends and composites involve nanoscale dimensions.


A reference to the source is found on the next page, but the almost identical wording is not made clear.

(Graf Isolan), WiseWoman

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Letzte Bearbeitung dieser Seite: durch Benutzer:WiseWoman, Zeitstempel: 20150125141015