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The Role of Religion and Environmental Ethics in Climate Change

von Dr. Indika Dilhan Somaratne

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[1.] Ids/Fragment 181 01 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2019-11-16 15:28:24 WiseWoman
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Gesichtet, Ids, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop, Warren Wilson 2009

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 181, Zeilen: 1-6
Quelle: Warren Wilson 2009
Seite(n): 4, Zeilen: 9 ff.
9.2.3. Mission of Warren Wilson College

The Mission of Warren Wilson College is to provide an education combining liberal arts study, work, and service (triad) with a strong commitment to environmental responsibility and experiential opportunities for international and cross-cultural understanding in a setting that promotes wisdom, spiritual growth, and contribution to the common good.


The Mission of Warren Wilson College is to provide an education combining liberal arts study, work, and service with a strong commitment to environmental responsibility and experiential opportunities for international and cross-cultural understanding in a setting that promotes wisdom, spiritual growth, and contribution to the common good.


The source is given at the end of the page, but it is not made clear that the text is identical to the source, except for the parenthetical insertion.

(Klgn), WiseWoman

[2.] Ids/Fragment 181 06 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2019-10-03 20:23:21 WiseWoman
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Gesichtet, Ids, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop, Warren Wilson 2013

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 181, Zeilen: 6-20
Quelle: Warren Wilson 2013
Seite(n): online, Zeilen: 0
Initiatives of the college are grounded in a commitment to the following core values:

i. The Triad: Academics, work and service

ii. Community: Civic engagement and participatory governance

iii. Liberal Arts: Experiential and innovative education

iv. Sustainability: Environmental responsibility, social and economic justice

v. Diversity: Inclusivity, international and cross-cultural understanding

vi. Wellness: Personal growth and well-being

9.2.4. The Unique Educational Triad

The college's educational program, the triad, consists of three interwoven strands of experience: liberal arts, academic study, a campus-wide work program, and service learning. Grounded in principles of sustainability and guided by core values of diversity, community and cross-cultural understanding, Warren Wilson's work and service-based programs deepen each student's engagement in academic learning and in personal growth and well-being (WWC 2013).

WWC. (2013)."Community Engagement Commitment". Warren Wilson College. Retrieved 23 May 2013.

1.01.3 - Core Values

All proceedings, programs, and initiatives of the College are grounded in a commitment to the following core values:

· The Triad: Academics, work, and service

· Community: Civic engagement and participatory governance

· Liberal Arts: Experiential and innovative education

· Sustainability: Environmental responsibility, social and economic justice

· Diversity: Inclusivity, international and cross-cultural understanding

· Wellness: Personal growth and well-being


1.02.2 - A Unique Educational Triad

The College's educational program, the Triad, consists of three interwoven strands of experience: liberal arts academic study, a campus-wide work program, and service learning. Grounded in principles of sustainability and guided by core values of diversity, community, and cross-cultural understanding, Warren Wilson's work and service-based programs deepen each student's engagement in academic learning and in personal growth and well-being.


The source is given, but it is not made clear to what extent the text is copied word-for-word.

(SleepyHollow02), WiseWoman

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Letzte Bearbeitung dieser Seite: durch Benutzer:WiseWoman, Zeitstempel: 20191116152913