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Analysis of the European Union’s performance as an international mediator in the South Caucasus with respect to peace building in the region

von George Danielidze

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[1.] Gd/Fragment 086 23 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2016-03-06 17:16:03 Schumann
Fragment, Gd, Gesichtet, International Crisis Group 2006, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel sysop, Verschleierung

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 86, Zeilen: 23-26
Quelle: International Crisis Group 2006
Seite(n): 8, Zeilen: li. Spalte: 3ff
In 2005-2006, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia entered dialogues with the EU to prepare country-specific cross-pillar Action Plans, which were aimed at building mutual commitment to common values and provide a point of reference for future programming under the new European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)148.

148 A specific and innovative feature of the ENPI is its cross border cooperation component. Under this component, the ENPI will finance “joint programs” bringing together regions of Members States and partner countries sharing a common border. The financial reference amount for implementation of the Regulation over the period 2007-2013 is € 14.929 million for 17 partner states – members of the ENP, including the Caucasus. ENPI names both state and non-state actors, such as NGOs, local communities, municipalities, trade unions, universities, religious associations and other, who can contribute to the development, as eligible for the assistance. The mechanism and distribution of assistance as well as correlation of financial support among the state and non - state actors will have a significant impact on the success of reforms in all three South Caucasus states. See Alieva Leila – EU and South Caucasus. Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research. CAP Discussion Paper, December 2006.p.8

In 2005-2006 Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia entered dialogues with the EU to prepare country-specific, cross-pillar Action Plans,87 which are aimed at building mutual commitment to common values and provide a point of reference for future programming, especially under the new European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI).88

87 By end 2005, ENP Action Plans had been formally adopted with Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia and Ukraine. Negotiations were ongoing with Egypt and Lebanon as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The seven existing Action Plans mostly focus on political dialogue and reform; economic and social development; regulatory and trade-related issues; justice and home affairs; sectoral issues; and people-to-people contacts. The Maastricht Treaty 1992 established three pillars, forming the basic structure of the EU: the Community dimension, covering economic, social and environmental policies (first pillar); the common foreign and security policy (second pillar); and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (third pillar). The Treaty of Amsterdam transferred policies related to the free movement of persons from the third to the first pillar.

88 European Commission, “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument”, COM (2004), 628 final, Brussels, 29 September 2004. The ENPI regulation and its implementing rules have yet to be adopted. ENPI is supposed to be operational by 2007.


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(Hindemith) Schumann

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