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Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 16, Zeilen: figure
Quelle: El Harrak 2009
Seite(n): 8, Zeilen: figure
16a diss Clm

Figure 2. Vertical propagation of a negative DC-potential wave after injection of KCl in a neocortical slice. Injection of KCl solution (3 M) via a microelectrode elicited spreading depression-like fluctuation during superfusion with artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Injecting and recording electrodes arranged as shown. Voltage variations were recorded simultaneously by four electrodes (DC1–DC4) which set apart by 1 mm (Adopted from Gorji et al., 2001).

16a source Clm

Figure 1. Vertical propagation of a negative DC-potential wave after injection of KCl in a neocortical slice. Injection of KCl solution (3 M) via a microelectrode elicited spreading depression-like fluctuation during superfusion with artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Injecting and recording electrodes arranged as shown. Voltage variations were recorded simultaneously by four electrodes (DC1–DC4) which set apart by 1 mm (Adopted from Gorji et al., 2001).


The source is not given.

Note that in Gorji et al. (2001) one finds the lower part of the illustration (without the three drawings of the brain) and a very similar, but not identical figure caption.

(Hindemith) Singulus