Untersuchte Arbeit: Seite: 16, Zeilen: 20-28 |
Quelle: Berger et al 2008 Seite(n): 560, Zeilen: left col. 23-31, 45-50 |
Cortical SD-like events were evaluated with respect to their amplitude, duration and velocity rates. SD duration was defined as the interval between the time of half-maximal voltage shift during onset and recovery of the negative DC potential deflection.
3. Long-term potentiation Single pulses of electrical stimulation were applied through a bipolar platinum electrode attached to the white matter perpendicular to the recording electrodes. Evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) were recorded in the third layer of neocortical slices. The fEPSP was elicited by adjusting the intensity of stimulation to 50% of that at which population spikes after fEPSP began [to appear.] |
Single pulses of electrical stimulation were
applied through a bipolar platinum electrode attached to the white matter perpendicular to the recording electrodes. Evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) were recorded in the third layer of neocortical slices. The fEPSP was elicited by adjusting the intensity of stimulation to ~50% of that at which population spikes after fEPSP began to appear. [...] Spreading depression (SD)-like events were evaluated with respect to their repetition, amplitude, duration and velocity rates. SD duration was defined as the interval between the time of half-maximal voltage shift during onset and recovery of the negative d.c. potential deflection. |
Not marked as a citation. |