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Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 9, Zeilen: 2-11
Quelle: Smith et al 2006
Seite(n): 458, Zeilen: l.col: 6-22
A few years before, Lashley (1941) explained the visual aura associated with his own ophthalmic migraine attacks as bright scintillations moving across his visual field leaving a blind area in his visual field. Mapping the trajectory of this scotoma across his visual field gave a predicted velocity over a retinotopically organised visual cortex of approximately 3 mm/min (Lashley, 1941; Milner, 1958). This report accordingly suggested a possible physiological mechanism for migraine aura in the visual cortex. Thus, one may suggest that the scintillations represent the excitatory phase, while the pursuing blind spot is the inhibitory process of a SD event. Similar conclusions were suggested from blood flow studies (Lauritzen, 1984) that demonstrated that the oligaemia associated with the spread of SD from the occipital cortex showed a very similar propagation velocity to that of the SD itself. A few years before, Lashley (1941) described the visual aura associated with his own ophthalmic migraine syndrome as bright scintillations moving across his visual field leaving a blind area in its wake. Mapping the trajectory of this migrainous scotoma across his visual field gave a predicted velocity over a retinotopically organised visual cortex of approximately 3 mm min-1 (Lashley, 1941; Milner, 1958). This report accordingly suggested a possible physiological mechanism for migraine aura in the visual cortex. Thus, one may suggest that the scintillations represent the excitatory phase, while the pursuing blind spot is the inhibitory process of a CSD event. Similar conclusions were suggested from blood flow studies (Lauritzen, 1984) that demonstrated that the oligaemia associated with the spread of CSD from the occipital cortex showed a very similar propagation velocity to that of the CSD itself.

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(Hindemith) Schumann