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Fragmente (Plagiat, gesichtet)

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37 Fragmente

[1.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 001 101 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 17. December 2016, 18:03 Yacay
Erstellt: 17. December 2016, 18:03 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, Wikipedia Wired (magazine) 2009, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 1, Zeilen: 101-102
Quelle: Wikipedia Wired (magazine) 2009
Seite(n): 0, Zeilen: 0
Wired is a monthly American magazine and on-line periodical, published since March 1993, that reports on how technology affects culture, the economy, and politics see http://www.wired.com/. Wired is a full-color monthly American magazine and on-line periodical, published since March 1993, that reports on how technology affects culture, the economy, and politics.

[2.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 002 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:54 Schumann
Erstellt: 25. March 2016, 12:37 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, Wikipedia Map 2008, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 2, Zeilen: 1-4
Quelle: Wikipedia Map 2008
Seite(n): online, Zeilen: 0
Following our definition, we can define a map as a visual representation of spatial information for a certain region of a coordinate system. Symbolic depiction is used to highlight relationships between information elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes. A map is a visual representation of an area — a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.

Die 'eigene' Definition des Autors ähnelt sehr stark der Definition aus der englischsprachigen Wikipedia


[3.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 003 24 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:41 Schumann
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 21:38 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, Wikipedia Cartography 2008, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 3, Zeilen: 24-27
Quelle: Wikipedia Cartography 2008
Seite(n): online, Zeilen: 0
Robinson, an American cartographer, claimed, when considering all aspects of cartography, that “map design is perhaps the most complex” [111; 190]. In addition, Robinson stated that a map must be designed explicitly for its purpose and its desired audience.

[111] Kish, G., and Buache, P. Early Thematic Mapping: The Work of Philippe Buache. Imago Mundi 28 (1976), 129–136.

[190] Robinson, A. Elements of cartography. Soil Science 90, 2 (1960), 147.

Arthur H. Robinson, an American cartographer influential in thematic cartography, stated that a map not properly designed "will be a cartographic failure." He also claimed, when considering all aspects of cartography, that "map design is perhaps the most complex."[5] Robinson codified the mapmaker's understanding that a map must be designed foremost with consideration to the audience and its needs.

[5] Robinson, A.H. (1953). Elements of Cartography. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN


Die Quellenangabe [190] bezieht sich nicht auf die eigentlich gemeinte Quelle, sondern auf ein knappes Review des Buches von Robinson in der Zeitschrift Soil Science (http://journals.lww.com/soilsci/Citation/1960/08000/Elements_of_Cartography__Second_Edition_.22.aspx) - ein Indiz dafür, dass der Autor diese Quelle nie selbst gelesen hat.


[4.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 004 05 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:42 Schumann
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 22:18 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, Wikipedia Ubiquitous Computing 2009, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 4, Zeilen: 5-9
Quelle: Wikipedia Ubiquitous Computing 2009
Seite(n): online, Zeilen: 0
Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp) is a post-desktop paradigm of human-computer interaction [239] in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. In the course of ordinary activities, users of ubiquitous computing engage many computational devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so.

[239] Weiser, M. The computer for the 21 stcentury. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 3, 3 (1999), 3–11.

Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. As opposed to the desktop paradigm, in which a single user consciously engages a single device for a specialized purpose. In the course of ordinary activities, someone "using" ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so.

Verglichen wird hier mit einer Version des Wikipedia-Artikels vom 2. März 2009, die die größte Ähnlichkeit zur Formulierung in der Dissertation hat.

Obwohl auf dem Titelblatt "February 2009" steht, wurde die Dissertation offensichtlich erst Ende 2009 oder 2010 eingereicht. Darauf deutet zum einen die Referenzierung eines Blog-Eintrags vom Dezember 2009 auf S. 284 hin, zum anderen das offizielle Publikationsdatum "02.06.2010" (http://scidok.sulb.uni-saarland.de/frontdoor.php?source_opus=3146&la=de).


[5.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 006 03 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:09 Schumann
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 20:09 (Yacay)
Cheverst et al. 2008, Fragment, Jsc, KomplettPlagiat, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 6, Zeilen: 3-10
Quelle: Cheverst et al. 2008
Seite(n): 1-2, Zeilen: 0
This methodology involves a tight cycle where theoretical issues and understanding, developed through reflection on empirical observations, are used to design deployed systems that test and explore the theory.

These deployed systems then create a new context for observation of user behavior and thus lead to fresh insights, discoveries and refinement of theoretical understanding. Deployment-based research serves to gain user insight as well as technical insight [157]. The observation and involvement of users will serve the dual purpose of traditional user centered design and source for more theoretical analysis.

[157] Nielsen, J., and Bellcore, M. Iterative user-interface design. Computer 26, 11 (1993), 32–41.

Our research approach involves a tight cycle where theoretical issues and understanding, developed through reflection on empirical observations, are used to design deployed systems that test and explore the theory. These deployed systems then create a new context for observation of user behaviour and thus lead to fresh insights, discoveries and refinement of theoretical understanding.


We therefore adopt an iterative and participatory design approach to each deployment where the observation and involvement of users will serve the dual purpose of traditional user centred design and source for more theoretical analysis.


Hier übernimmt der Verf. die Beschreibung seines Forschungsansatzes aus einem fremden Paper. Jsc und einer der Autoren des Papers (Jörg Müller) waren beide an der Universität Münster tätig.

Die vom Verf. angeführte Quelle [157] beinhaltet keine wörtlich identischen Beschreibungen, scheidet also als gemeinsame Quelle aus (siehe https://www.nngroup.com/articles/iterative-design/).


[6.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 010 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 11:12 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 11:12 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 10, Zeilen: 1-3
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
[In contrast to Virtual Reality (VR),] which completely immerses a user in a computer-generated environment, AR adds information to the user’s view and thereby allows the user to experience both real and virtual information at the same time. In contrast to Virtual Reality, which completely immerses a user in a computer-generated virtual environment, Augmented Reality (AR) aims to amplify a user’s senses with additional information, letting them experience both real and virtual information at the same time.

[7.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 010 07 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 22. March 2016, 22:49 Yacay
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 22:49 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, Wikipedia Reality-virtuality continuum 2008, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 10, Zeilen: 7-10
Quelle: Wikipedia Reality-virtuality continuum 2008
Seite(n): 0, Zeilen: 0
Since the term “Augmented Virtuality” is rarely used nowadays, AR and MR are now sometimes used as synonyms. The continuum has been somewhat incorrectly described as a concept in new media and computer science, when in fact it should belong closer to anthropology. It has been somewhat incorrectly described as a concept in new media and computer science, when in fact it could belong closer to anthropology.


While the term Augmented virtuality is rarely used nowadays, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality are now sometimes used as synonyms.


Der Autor übernimmt zwei Wertungen ("somewhat incorrectly", "rarely used nowadays") aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel


[8.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 010 12 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:42 Schumann
Erstellt: 25. March 2016, 23:04 (Yacay)
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Jsc, Newman et al. 2007, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 10, Zeilen: 12-17
Quelle: Newman et al. 2007
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
Weiser stated that Ubicomp is roughly the opposite of virtual reality [239]. However, when one considers that VR is merely at one extreme of the Reality-Virtuality Continuum postulated by Milgram, then one can see that Ubicomp and VR are not strictly opposite one another but rather orthogonal as described and illustrated by Newman et al. [155]. This new dimension was named by Newman the “Weiser’s Continuum” and has Ubicomp at one extreme and the concept of terminal-based computing at the [other. The terminal is the antithesis of the Disappearing Computer and a palpable impediment to intuitive interaction between user and computing environment. Placing both continua, the Reality-Virtuality (see figure 2.2) and the “Weiser’s Continuum” at the two axes opens a 2D space shown in figure 2.2, in which different application domains represent areas in this space.]

[155] Newman, J., Schall, G., and Schmalstieg, D. Modelling and handling seams in wide-area sensor networks. In Proc. of ISWC (2006).

However, Weiser himself placed Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) in opposition to Virtual Reality stating, “Ubiquitous Computing is roughly the opposite of virtual reality” [16]. When one considers that VR is merely at one extreme of the Milgram’s continuum, then one can see that Ubicomp and VR are not strictly opposite one another but rather orthogonal. An analogous continuum, which we will posthumously call “Weiser’s Continuum” (see figure 3), would have Ubicomp at one extreme and monolothic mainframe-based computing at the other. Placing these continua at right-angles gives us the 2D space shown in figure 1, in which different application domains represent areas in this space.

Der Autor verweist hier auf ein Paper von Newman et al. aus dem Jahr 2006, übernimmt aber Gedanken und Formulierungen aus einem anderen Paper von Newman et al. 2007. Es ist nicht immer klar, wo der Autor Newmans Gedanken wiedergibt und wo er eigene Einsichten teilt. Newmans wörtliches Zitat von Weiser erleichtert der Autor um die Anführungszeichen.

Desweiteren wird Newman (2007) verfälschend wiedergegeben. Der Autor ersetzt Newmans "monolothic [sic!] mainframe-based computing" (im Kontext: zentralisierte Rechenleistung) durch "terminal-based computing" (also dezentrale Ein-/Ausgabe an dedizierten Geräten).


[9.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 011 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:43 Schumann
Erstellt: 25. March 2016, 23:09 (Yacay)
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Jsc, Newman et al. 2007, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 11, Zeilen: 1-5
Quelle: Newman et al. 2007
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
[This new dimension was named by Newman the “Weiser’s Continuum” and has Ubicomp at one extreme and the concept of terminal-based computing at the] other. The terminal is the antithesis of the Disappearing Computer and a palpable impediment to intuitive interaction between user and computing environment. Placing both continua, the Reality-Virtuality (see figure 2.2) and the “Weiser’s Continuum” at the two axes opens a 2D space shown in figure 2.2, in which different application domains represent areas in this space. An analogous continuum, which we will posthumously call “Weiser’s Continuum” (see figure 3), would have Ubicomp at one extreme and monolothic mainframe-based computing at the other. Placing these continua at right-angles gives us the 2D space shown in figure 1, in which different application domains represent areas in this space.

Fortsetzung des Fragments von Seite 10.


[10.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 013 23 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:15 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 11:53 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 13, Zeilen: 23-29
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 3, Zeilen: 0
Generally, AR displays can be split into head-mounted displays (HMD), handheld displays and projection displays, the latter being stationary but potentially able to accommodate multiple users [202]. Also, for image generation and merging with the real world, two approaches can be distinguished [202]: optical see-through systems, which allow the user to see through the display onto the real world, and video see-through systems, which use video cameras to capture an image of the real world and provide the user with an augmented video image of her environment.

[202] Schmalstieg, D., and Reitmayr, G. Augmented Reality as a Medium for Cartography Mul- timedia Cartography, 2006.

Generally, AR displays can be split into head-mounted displays, hand-held displays and projection displays, the latter being stationary but potentially able to accommodate multiple users.


For image generation and merging with the real world, two approaches can be distinguished: Optical see-through systems, which allow the user to see through the display onto the real world, and video see-through systems, that use video cameras to capture an image of the real world and provide the user with an augmented video image of her environment.


Wörtliche Übernahme aus der genannten Quelle, ohne dies kenntlich zu machen.


[11.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 014 08 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 24. March 2016, 14:33 Yacay
Erstellt: 24. March 2016, 14:33 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 14, Zeilen: 8-9
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 10, Zeilen: 0
In order to register, or align, virtual information with the physical objects, AR requires accurate position and orientation tracking. AR requires very accurate position and orientation tracking in order to align, or register, virtual information with the physical objects that are to be annotated.

(Papagiannakis et al. wiederum haben diesen - und viele weitere Sätze von Höllerers Buchkapitel "Mobile Augmented Reality" (2004) wörtlich übernommen.


[12.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 014 12 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:44 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 13:22 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 14, Zeilen: 12-15
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 5, Zeilen: 0
A widely adopted technique for AR is optical tracking, which uses video cameras and advanced computer vision software to detect targets, so called markers, in the camera image and calculates their position and orientation. Optical tracking systems use one or more cameras and advanced computer vision software to detect targets (often called markers) in the camera image and calculate their position and orientation information from that camera images.

[13.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 014 16 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:44 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:07 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 14, Zeilen: 16-19
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 11, Zeilen: 0
The increasing availability of video cameras in today’s computer devices has led to their use as means for tracking the position and orientation of a user as described by Klein in more detail [112].

[112] Klein, G., and Murray, D. Parallel tracking and mapping for small AR workspaces. In 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2007. ISMAR 2007 (2007), pp. 1–10.

However, the low cost of video cameras and the increasing availability of video capture capabilities in off-the-shelf PCs has inspired substantial research into the use of video cameras as means for tracking the position and orientation of a user (Klein 57).

[57] Klein G. Visual tracking for augmented reality. University of Cambridge, PhD Thesis, 2006.


Der Autor übernimmt eine Formulierung von Papagiannakis, tauscht die Quelle aber aus. Die vom Autor referenzierte Quelle behandelt allerdings nicht das Tracken von Benutzern, sondern von Arbeitsplätzen (ohne explizites Tracking von Benutzern).


[14.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 014 32 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:15 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:15 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 14, Zeilen: 32-32
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
Our goal is to place them into different [categories so that it becomes easier to understand the state of the art and to help to identify new directions of research.] Our goal is to place them into different categories so that it becomes easier to understand the state of art and to help identify new directions of research.

Wörtliche Übernahme aus dem Abstract von Papagiannakis et al. 2007


[15.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:17 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:17 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 1-2
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
[Our goal is to place them into different] categories so that it becomes easier to understand the state of the art and to help to identify new directions of research. Our goal is to place them into different categories so that it becomes easier to understand the state of art and to help identify new directions of research.

[16.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 04 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:45 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 13:43 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 4-7
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 4, Zeilen: 0
Projection-based AR with video augmentation uses video projectors to display the image of an external video camera augmented with computer graphics on the screen whereas Projection-based AR with physical surface augmentation projects light onto arbitrarily shaped real world objects. Video augmentation is essentially the stripped down version of a video see-through HMD, displaying the image of an external video camera augmented with computer graphics on the screen. Physical surface augmentation works by projecting light onto arbitrarily shaped real-world objects (Raskar et al. 1998).

[17.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 07 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 13:48 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 13:48 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Silva et al. 2003, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 7-8
Quelle: Silva et al. 2003
Seite(n): 3, Zeilen: 0
It uses the real world objects as the projection surface for the virtual environments. Projector Based AR uses real world objects as the projection surface for the virtual environment (Figures 11,12).

[18.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 08 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 22. March 2016, 23:03 Yacay
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 23:03 (Yacay)
Fragment, Fuji et al. 2005, Jsc, KomplettPlagiat, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 8-9
Quelle: Fuji et al. 2005
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
Ordinary surfaces have varying reflectance, color, and geometry. Ordinary surfaces have varying reflectance, color, and geometry.

[19.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 09 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:24 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 14:00 (Yacay)
Bimber 2007, Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 9-12
Quelle: Bimber 2007
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
Limitations of mobile devices, such as low resolution and small field of view, focus constraints, and ergonomic issues can be overcome in many cases by the utilization of projection technology. Thus, applications that do not require mobility can benefit from efficient spatial augmentations. Limitations of mobile devices, such as low resolution and small field of view, focus constrains [sic!], and ergonomic issues can be overcome by the application of projection technology.


Several applications, however, do not require mobility and rather benefit from efficient spatial augmentations.


[20.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 13 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:46 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 14:03 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Silva et al. 2003, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 13-14
Quelle: Silva et al. 2003
Seite(n): 5, Zeilen: 0
Projection-based AR with physical surface augmentation has applications in industrial assembly, product visualization, etc. [Projector Based AR ...]

It has applications in industrial assembly, product visualization, etc.


[21.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 14 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:46 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 14:05 (Yacay)
Bimber 2007, Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 14-17
Quelle: Bimber 2007
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
Examples range from edutainment in museums (such as storytelling projections onto natural stone walls in historical buildings) to architectural visualizations (such as augmentations of complex illumination simulations or modified surface materials in real buildings structures). Examples range from edutainment in museums (such as storytelling projections onto natural stone walls in historical buildings) to architectural applications (such as augmentations of complex illumination or surface material simulations in real building structures).

[22.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 17 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 14:07 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 14:07 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Silva et al. 2003, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 17-18
Quelle: Silva et al. 2003
Seite(n): 0, Zeilen: 0
Both types of the projection-based AR are also well suited to multiple user situations. Projector based AR is also well suited to multiple user situations.

[23.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 015 19 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 22. March 2016, 23:12 Yacay
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 23:11 (Yacay)
Fragment, Fuji et al. 2005, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 15, Zeilen: 19-23
Quelle: Fuji et al. 2005
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
The recent availability of cheap, small, and bright projectors has made it practical to use them for a wide range of applications such as creating large seamless displays and immersive environments. By introducing a camera into the system, and applying techniques from computer vision, the projection system can operate taking its environment into account. For example, it is possible to allow users to interact with the [projected image, thus creating projected interfaces] The recent availability of cheap, small, and bright projectors has made it practical to use them for a wide range of applications such as creating large seamless displays [8, 11, 12, 25] and immersive environments [5, 21]. By introducing a camera into the system, and applying techniques from computer vision, the projection system can operate taking its environment into account. For example, it is possible to allow users to interact with the projected image creating projected interfaces [1, 10, 24].

[24.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 016 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 22. March 2016, 23:21 Yacay
Erstellt: 22. March 2016, 23:21 (Yacay)
Fragment, Fuji et al. 2005, Jsc, KomplettPlagiat, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 16, Zeilen: 1-1
Quelle: Fuji et al. 2005
Seite(n): 1, Zeilen: 0
[For example, it is possible to allow users to interact with the] projected image, thus creating projected interfaces. For example, it is possible to allow users to interact with the projected image creating projected interfaces [1, 10, 24].

Fortsetzung von Seite 15


[25.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 016 15 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:32 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:28 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 16, Zeilen: 15-19
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 7-8, Zeilen: 0
Reitmayr et al. [185] have implemented a flood control application for the city of Cambridge (UK) to demonstrate possible features of augmented maps, in which a map of interest is augmented with an overlaid area representing the flooded land at a certain water level (see figure 2.4 right). The overall system centers around a table top environment where users work with maps. A camera mounted above the table tracks [the maps’ locations on the surface and registers interaction devices placed on them. A projector augments the maps with projected information from overhead.] A camera mounted above the table tracks the maps' locations on the surface and registers interaction devices placed on them. A projector augments the maps with projected information from overhead.

[...] The system was demonstrated with a flood control application for the City of Cambridge (UK) to demonstrate possible features of augmented maps. [...] A map of the area of interest is augmented with an overlaid area representing the flooded land at a certain water level.


[26.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 01 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:35 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:35 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 1-2
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 7-8, Zeilen: 0
[A camera mounted above the table tracks] the maps’ locations on the surface and registers interaction devices placed on them. A projector augments the maps with projected information from overhead. A camera mounted above the table tracks the maps' locations on the surface and registers interaction devices placed on them. A projector augments the maps with projected information from overhead.

[27.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 08 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 18. December 2016, 09:09 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:41 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 8-10
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 3, Zeilen: 0
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are usually worn by the user on her head and provide two image-generating devices, one for each eye. Optical see-through HMD AR uses a transparent HMD to blend together virtual and real content. [...] [3]

[3] Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S., and Macintyre, B. Recent advances in augmented reality. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 21, 6 (2001), 34–47.

Head-mounted displays are worn by the user on her head, and provide two image-generating devices, one for each eye.

[...] Optical see-through systems use optical image combiners (usually half-silvered mirrors) to blend together virtual and real content.


[28.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 12 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:26 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:45 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Silva et al. 2003, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 12-13
Quelle: Silva et al. 2003
Seite(n): 4, Zeilen: 0
Video see-through HMD AR uses an opaque HMD to display merged video of the virtual environment with and view from cameras on the HMD. Video See-Through AR uses an opaque HMD to display merged video of the VE and view from cameras on the HMD (Figure 7).

(Der in der Quelle darauf folgende Satz wird wenige Zeilen später verwurstet.)


[29.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 13 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:18 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:50 (Yacay)
BauernOpfer, Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 13-17
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 3, Zeilen: 0
By overlaying the video images with the rendered content before displaying both to the user, virtual objects can appear fully opaque and occlude the real objects behind them. The drawback of video-based systems is that the viewpoint of the video camera does not completely match the user’s viewpoint [202].

[202] Schmalstieg, D., and Reitmayr, G. Augmented Reality as a Medium for Cartography Mul- timedia Cartography, 2006.

By overlaying the video images with the rendered content before displaying both to the user, virtual objects can, in contrast to optical see-through solutions, appear fully opaque and occlude the real objects behind them. The drawback of video-based systems is that the viewpoint of the video camera does not completely match the user’s viewpoint.

Der Autor referenziert hier ausnahmsweise Schmalstieg & Reitmayr, ohne jedoch auf die wörtliche Übernahme hinzuweisen.


[30.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 17 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:52 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:52 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, KomplettPlagiat, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Silva et al. 2003, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 17-18
Quelle: Silva et al. 2003
Seite(n): 4, Zeilen: 0
This approach is a bit more complex than optical see-through AR, requiring proper location of the cameras. This approach is a bit more complex than optical see-through AR, requiring proper location of the cameras (Figure 8).

[31.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 017 18 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 22:55 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 22:55 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 17, Zeilen: 18-20
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 3, Zeilen: 0
For safety reasons, these systems cannot be used in applications where the user has to walk around or perform complex or dangerous tasks, since judgment of distances is distorted. Although the brain can adapt to the new situation, for security reasons these systems cannot be used in applications where the user has to walk around or perform complex or dangerous tasks, since judgment of distances is distorted.

[32.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 018 23 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:27 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 23:10 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 18, Zeilen: 23-28
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 6, Zeilen: 0
UMPCs are basically small mobile PCs running standard operation systems. A number of researchers have started employing them in AR simulations such as Wagner et al. [235], Newman et al. [154]. At this times the most popular UMPCs for AR was the Sony Vaio U70 and UX180, as well as Samsung Q1. Elmqvist et al. [57] have employed the wearable computer Xybernaut Mobile Assistant, which, although shares some common characteristics with UMPCs, does not belong in the UMPC category. UMPCs are basically small mobile PCs running Microsoft Windows XP. A number of researchers have started employing them in AR simulations such as Wagner and Schmalstieg,17 Newman et al.,23 and specifically the Sony VaioTM U70 and UX180, as well as SamsungTM Q1. Elmqvist et al.24 have employed the XybernautTM Mobile Assistant, which, although shares some common characteristics with UMPCs, does not belong in the UMPC category.

Der Autor übernimmt die Beschreibung und alle weiterführenden Quellen von Papagiannakis et al. Auch der Grammatikfehler im letzten Satz ("although shares") wird übernommen.


[33.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 019 03 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:47 Schumann
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 23:23 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 19, Zeilen: 3-18
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 6, Zeilen: 0
Before the recent introduction of UMPCs or cell phones with CPUs of significant computing power, PDAs were the only true mobile alternative for AR researchers. PDAs now have enhanced color displays, wireless connectivity, web-browser and GPS system. A number of computational issues made the use of older PDAs for AR difficult, primarily the lack of dedicated 3D capability and the lack of a floating point computational unit. However, some researchers were able to use the PDA for AR with some success. Wagner et al. demonstrated the Invisible Train [232], which used PDAs as handheld displays for AR applications (see figure 2.7). Makri et al. [133] allowed for a custom-made connection with a special micro-optical display as an HMD.

Smart phones are fully featured high-end cell phones featuring PDA capabilities, so that applications for data processing and connectivity can be installed on them. As the processing capability of smart phones is improving, this enables a new class of AR applications that use the smartphone’s camera for vision based tracking. Notable examples are from Wagner et al. [233], Henrysson et al. [91] and Olwal [160] utilizing them as final mobile AR displays.

Before the recent introduction of UMPCs or SmartPhones with CPUs of significant compute power, personal digital assistants (PDAs) were the only truly mobile alternative for AR researchers. PDAs now have enhanced color displays, wireless connectivity, web-browser, and global positioning system (GPS) system. However, a number of computational issues make their use difficult for AR due to lack of dedicated 3-D capability and floating point computational unit. Goose et al.,25 Reitmayr and Drummond,26 Wagner and Schmalstieg,17 Barakonyi and Schmalstieg,27 Wagner et al.,28 Gausemeier et al.29 have all employed them as handheld display devices for AR applications, whereas Makri et al.30 and Peternier et al.31 allowed for a custom-made connections with a special micro-optical display as an HMD.


Smartphones are fully featured high-end mobile phones featuring PDA capabilities, so that applications for data-processing and connectivity can be installed on them. Rashid et al.,32 Wagner and Schmalstieg,17 Henrysson et al.,33 Olwal34 utilize them as final mobile AR displays.


As the processing capability of smartphones is improving, their application use is increasing.


Auch hier werden in großem Umfang Beschreibungen und Quellenangaben übernommen.


[34.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 020 03 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 23. March 2016, 23:38 Yacay
Erstellt: 23. March 2016, 23:38 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, Papagiannakis et al. 2008, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 20, Zeilen: 3-5
Quelle: Papagiannakis et al. 2008
Seite(n): 6, Zeilen: 0
The user can then download additional information about a chosen location from the Web, say, the names of businesses in the local shopping center. The user can then download additional information about a chosen location from the Web — say, the names of businesses in the Empire State Building, the cost of visiting the building’s observatories, or hours and menus for its five eateries.

Der Autor modifiziert die Beschreibung eines Projektes bei Papagiannakis et al. für seine eigene Beschreibung eines anderen Projektes.


[35.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 031 27 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 6. November 2018, 11:49 Schumann
Erstellt: 20. November 2016, 15:11 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 31, Zeilen: 27-28
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 11, Zeilen: -
In conclusion, AR promises to combine the interactive nature of computer generated content with real world objects. This allows the creation of new forms of interactive maps. Augmented reality promises to merge the interactive nature of computer generated user interfaces with real objects and environments that create the every-day experience of users. New forms of cartography already build on the flexible access to online data and adaptive presentation of geographic information.

Kleinteilige partielle Übernahme des Fazits von Schmalstieg und Reitmayr, siehe nachfolgendes Fragment


[36.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 032 08 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:33 Schumann
Erstellt: 20. November 2016, 15:22 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 32, Zeilen: 8-9
Quelle: Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007
Seite(n): 11, Zeilen: 0
Moreover, the latest technological developments for handheld devices allow AR to become mobile and ubiquitous. With the advent of powerful handheld devices, applications of AR are becoming mobile and ubiquitous.

Sehr kleine, möglicherweise zufällige (und daher evtl. eher unter "keine Wertung" zu kategorisierende) Übereinstimmung mit Schmalstieg und Reitmayr.


[37.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 185 24 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 24. March 2016, 16:05 Yacay
Erstellt: 24. March 2016, 16:05 (Yacay)
Arthur 2009, Fragment, Jsc, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 185, Zeilen: 24-30
Quelle: Arthur 2009
Seite(n): 0, Zeilen: 0
As we said in the introduction of this subsection it seems that both support the claim that, contingency of design on other (human) factors, to an extent not often acknowledged. To make this more concrete, take the example of the telephone (cited in both essays and also highlighted by Arthur). Norman’s point is that the telephone wasn’t invented in response to research into people’s needs; it was invented because the technology was ready. Ihde’s point is that when the telephone was invented, the inventor had a different use in mind than what later happened: Ihde is making a different point from Norman, but it seems to me that they have a similar theme — basically to show the contingency of design on other factors, to an extent not often acknowledged.


To make this more concrete, take the example of the telephone (cited in both essays). Norman's point is that the telephone wasn't invented in response to research into people's needs; it was invented because the technology was ready. Ihde's point is that when the telephone was invented, the inventor had a different use in mind than what later happened:


Der Autor zitiert erst ordnungsgemäß einen Blogeintrag von Kevin Arthur (nicht hier fragmentiert). Am Ende übernimmt er aber dessen Einschätzung leicht angepasst und gibt sie als seine eigene aus.

(Da der Blogeintrag von Dezember 2009 ist, was auch an der vom Autor genannten URL ersichtlich ist, kann die veröffentlichte Dissertation nicht - wie auf dem Titelblatt angegeben) im Februar 2009 eingereicht worden sein.


Fragmente (Verdächtig / Keine Wertung)

4 Fragmente

[1.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 032 24 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 17:35 Schumann
Erstellt: 20. November 2016, 15:32 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, KeineWertung, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Schöning et al. 2009, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 32, Zeilen: 24-29
Quelle: Schöning et al. 2009
Seite(n): 2, Zeilen: 0
Lynch defines the term wayfinding in his book The “Image of the city” [130] as a consistent use and organization of definite sensory cues from the external environment?. In his book, he also considers how users perceive and organise spatial information while performing wayfinding tasks in the city by forming mental maps typically comprising five elements including landmarks. In [226], the concept of spatial mental models is introduced. Tversky highlights the ability of individuals to carry a mental model that [supports spatial relations amongst elements, e.g. landmarks, but does not allow accurate metric judgments to be made.] Lynch defines the term Wayfinding in his book The “Image of the city” [21] as – a consistent use and organization of definite sensory cues from the external environment. In his book he also considers how users perceive and organise spatial information while performing wayfinding tasks in the city by forming mental maps typically comprising five elements including landmarks. In [33] the concept of spatial mental models is introduced which reflect the ability of individuals to carry a mental model that supports spatial relations amongst elements, e.g. landmarks, but does not allow accurate metric judgements to be made.

Übereinstimmung mit einem Paper, bei dem Jsc Erstautor ist (keine Wertung als Plagiat).


[2.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 033 03 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 15:37 Yacay
Erstellt: 20. November 2016, 15:36 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, KeineWertung, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Schöning et al. 2009, Unfertig

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 33, Zeilen: 3-8
Quelle: Schöning et al. 2009
Seite(n): 2, Zeilen: 0
[Tversky highlights the ability of individuals to carry a mental model that] supports spatial relations amongst elements, e.g. landmarks, but does not allow accurate metric judgments to be made. Traditional ‘You are here’ maps i.e. maps that explicitly indicate the position of the map reader [113; 123; 161] enable users to orient themselves spatially to their current environment and acquire survey knowledge. Being a form of map, they support wayfinding and provide their readers with an appreciation of nearby landmarks. In [33] the concept of spatial mental models is introduced which reflect the ability of individuals to carry a mental model that supports spatial relations amongst elements, e.g. landmarks, but does not allow accurate metric judgements to be made. Traditional ‘YOU ARE HERE’ maps, i.e. maps that explicitly indicate the position of the map reader [17,18, 23] enable the user to orient themselves spatially to their current environment and acquire survey knowledge. Being a form of map they can support wayfinding and provide their reader with an appreciation of nearby landmarks.

Fortsetzung von S. 32. Übereinstimmung mit Paper, bei dem Jsc Erstautor ist (keine Wertung als Plagiat).


[3.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 033 10 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 15:42 Yacay
Erstellt: 20. November 2016, 15:42 (Yacay)
Fragment, Jsc, KeineWertung, Rohs et al. 2007, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 33, Zeilen: 10-17
Quelle: Rohs et al. 2007
Seite(n): 2, Zeilen: 0
Various kinds of maps and other geospatial content can be found on the Internet. With the growth of the mobile Internet, geospatial data can be easily retrieved from mobile devices and, utilizing LBS, filtered based on position. Therefore, it is now possible to use geospatial data on the fly without a desktop computer. Gartner et al. [176], Küpper [120] and Urquhart et al. [229] provide an overview of the major LBS prototypes that allow users to display maps and interact with them on a mobile device through ordinary interaction techniques, i.e., joystick or key input. Google Maps Mobile 1 is a prominent commercial example of a mobile geospatial service (see figure 2.8). Various kinds of maps and other geospatial content can be found on the Internet today. With the growth of the mobile Internet, these geospatial data can be easily retrieved from mobile devices and, utilizing location based services (LBS), filtered based on position. Therefore, it is now possible to use geospatial data on the fly without a desktop computer. Gartner et al. [4] and Urquhart et al. [20] provide an overview of the major LBS prototypes that allow users to display maps and interact with them on a mobile device through ordinary interaction techniques, i.e., joystick

1or key input. Google Maps Mobile is a prominent commercial example of a mobile geospatial service.


Übernahme aus einem Paper, bei dem Jsc Co-Autor war (keine Wertung als Plagiat)


[4.] Analyse:Jsc/Fragment 184 06 - Diskussion
Bearbeitet: 20. November 2016, 18:14 Schumann
Erstellt: 24. March 2016, 16:15 (Yacay)
Arthur 2009, Fragment, Jsc, KeineWertung, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 184, Zeilen: 6-9
Quelle: Arthur 2009
Seite(n): 0, Zeilen: 0
What Schmidt [203] not says is that in contrast to pure technical innovation the contingency of design on other (human) factors, to an extent not often acknowledged. I claim that this is very important for doing “good” research (whatever we define as “good research”) and this is a major strength of this thesis. Ihde is making a different point from Norman, but it seems to me that they have a similar theme — basically to show the contingency of design on other factors, to an extent not often acknowledged.

Der Autor übernimmt hier ein Satzfragment aus einem Blog-Eintrag von Kevin Arthur, das er auf der folgenden Seite nochmals (und mit weiteren Sätzen) wörtlich verwendet.

Weil die Übernahme sehr kurz ist, wurde das Fragment auf "KeineWertung" gesetzt. Das Fragment liefert trotzdem einen Einblick in die Ansichten des Autors zu "good research" und den selbst wahrgenommenen Stärken dieser Dissertation.


Fragmente (Kein Plagiat)

Kein Fragment

Fragmente (Verwaist)

Kein Fragment


Quelle Autor Titel Verlag Jahr Lit.-V. FN
Jsc/Arthur 2009 Kevin Arthur Don Norman’s “Technology First, Needs Last” and Don Ihde’s “Designer Fallacy” 2009 nein ja
Jsc/Cheverst et al. 2008 Keith Cheverst / Dan Fitton / Nick Taylor / Christian Kray / Jörg Müller Experiences of Supporting local and remote mobile phone interaction in Situated Public Display Deployments 2008 nein nein
Jsc/Fuji et al. 2005 Kensaku Fujii / Michael D. Grossberg / Shree K. Nayar A Projector-Camera System with Real-Time Photometric Adaptation for Dynamic Environments IEEE Computer Society 2005 nein nein
Jsc/Höllerer Feiner 2004 Tobias H. Höllerer / Steven K. Feiner Chapter 9: Mobile Augmented Reality Taylor and Francis / CRC Press 2004 nein nein
Jsc/Newman et al. 2007 Joseph Newman / Alexander Bornik / Daniel Pustka / Florian Echtler / Manuel Huber / Dieter Schmalstieg / Gudrun Klinker Tracking for distributed mixed reality environments 2007 nein nein
Jsc/Papagiannakis et al. 2008 George Papagiannakis / Gurminder Singh / Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann A survey of mobile and wireless technologies for augmented reality systems 2008
Jsc/Schmalstieg Reitmayr 2007 Dieter Schmalstieg / Gerhard Reitmayr Chapter 19: Augmented Reality as a Medium for Cartography Springer 2007 ja nein
Jsc/Silva et al. 2003 R. Silva / J. C. Oliveira / G. A. Giraldi Introduction to Augmented Reality National Laboratory for Scientific Computation Brazil 2003 nein nein
Jsc/Wikipedia Cartography 2008 Cartography (Wikipedia) 2008
Jsc/Wikipedia Map 2008 Map (Wikipedia) 2008 nein nein
Jsc/Wikipedia Reality-virtuality continuum 2008 Reality-virtuality continuum (Wikipedia) 2008 nein nein
Jsc/Wikipedia Ubiquitous Computing 2009 Ubiquitous Computing (Wikipedia) 2009 nein nein
Jsc/Wikipedia Wired (magazine) 2009 Wired (magazine) (Wikipedia) 2009 nein nein


Typus Gesichtet ZuSichten Unfertig Σ
KP 0 4 0 4
VS 0 30 0 30
ÜP 0 0 0 0
BO 0 3 0 3
KW 0 3 1 4
KeinP 0 0 0 0
Σ 0 40 1 41



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