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Graf Isolan
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 10, Zeilen: 17-27
Quelle: Banuri 1998
Seite(n): 9, 10, Zeilen: 9:29-35; 10:12-13.19-24
Cotton production supports Pakistan's textile sector, comprising about 400 textile mills, 7 million spindles, 27,000 looms in the mill sector (including 15,000 shuttle looms), over 250,000 looms in the non-mill sector, 700 knitwear units, 4,000 garments units (with 200,000 sewing machines), 650 dyeing and finishing units (with finishing capacity of 1,150 million square meters per year), nearly 1,000 ginneries, 300 oil expellers, and 15,000 to 20,000 indigenous, small scale oil expellers (kohlus). Cotton by any measure is Pakistan's most important economic sector (Banuri, 1998). The rate of economic growth is quite closely correlated with the fate of the cotton crop. A bigger crop means a larger volume of exports (both raw and processed products), subsidy to the textile sector, which leads to higher aggregate demand, higher employment, larger fiscal inflows and less pressure on the balance of payment (Banuri, 1998). [Seite 9]

Cotton production supports Pakistan’s largest industrial sector, comprising some 400 textile mills, 7 million spindles, 27,000 looms in the mill sector (including 15,000 shuttleless looms), over 250,000 looms in the non-mill sector, 700 knitwear units, 4,000 garment units (with 200,000 sewing machines), 650 dyeing and finishing units (with finishing capacity of 1,150 million square meters per year), nearly 1,000 ginneries, 300 oil expellers, and 15,000 to 20,000 indigenous, small scale oil expellers (kohlus). It is by any measure Pakistan’s most important economic sector.

[Seite 10]

[...] The rate of economic growth is correlated quite closely with the fate of the cotton crop. [...] In other words, economic activity in the country is associated closely to the performance of the cotton crop. A bigger crop means not only a larger volume of exports (both raw and processed products), but also a subsidy to the textiles sector, leading to higher aggregate demand, higher employment, larger fiscal inflows, less pressure on the balance of payments, and thus less exposure to the dictates of international financial organizations.


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(Graf Isolan) Schumann