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VroniPlag Wiki

Graf Isolan
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 3, Zeilen: 1-9
Quelle: Ebert 2001
Seite(n): 6, Zeilen: 11-18
1945 brachten Leão und Morison die Klinik der Migräneaura des Menschen mit der SD in Experimenten mit den Tieren in Verbindung und formulierten hiermit die „Spreading Depression“ - Theorie der Migräneaura (Leão, 1945). Mittlerweile sind eine Vielzahl weitere Erkrankungen mit SD in Zusammenhang gebracht worden, zu denen solche Erkrankungen wie das Schädelhirntrauma (Mayevsky, 1996; Oka et al.,1977), der ischämische Hirninfarkt (Branston et al., 1977; Nedergaard, 1986; Strong et al., 1983), die Hypoglykämie (Astrup and Norberg, 1976) und die Epilepsie (Leão, 1944; Avoli et al., 1991) gehören.

3. Astrup J, Norberg K (1976) Potassium activity in cerebral cortex in rats during pro gressive [sic] severe hypoglycemia. Brain Res. 103: 418-423

4. Avoli M, Drapeau C, Louvel J, Pumain R, Olivier A, Villemure JG (1991) Epileptiform activity induced by low extracellular magnesium in the human cortex maintained in vitro. Ann Neurol. 30: 589-96

11. Branston NM, Strong AJ ,Symon L (1977) Extracellular potassium activity, evoked potentialand [sic] tissue blood flow. Relationships during progressive ischaemia in baboon cerebral cortex. J Neurol Sci. 32: 305-321

71. Leao AAP (1944) Spreading depression of activity in the cerebral cortex. J Neurophysiol. 7: 359-390

85. Mayevsky A, Doron A, Manor T, Meilin S, Zarchin N, Ouaknine GE (1996) Cortical spreading depression recorded from the human brain using a multiparametric monitoring system, Brain Res. 740: 268-274

90. Nedergaard M, Astrup J (1986) Infarct rim: effect of hyperglycemia on direct current potential and [14C]2-deoxyglucose phosphorylation, J Cereb.Blood Flow Metab 6 : 607-615

99. Oka H, Kako M, Matsushima M, Ando K. (1977) Traumatic spreading depression syndrome. Review of a particular type of head injury in 37 patients, Brain 100: 287-298

114. Strong AJ, Venables GS, Gibson G (1983) The cortical ischaemic penumbra associated with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in the cat: 1. Topography of changes in blood flow, potassium ion activity, and EEG. J Cereb.Blood Flow Metab 3: 86-96

1945 brachten Leão und Morison dann die Klinik der Migräneaura des Menschen mit der CSD im Tierexperiment in Verbindung und formulierten damit die sogenannte „Spreading Depression“-Theorie der Migräneaura (Leão und Morison, 1945). Mittlerweile sind eine Vielzahl weiterer Erkrankungen mit der CSD in Zusammenhang gebracht worden, zu denen der ischämische Hirninfarkt (Branston et al., 1977; Nedergaard und Astrup, 1986; Strong et al., 1983), das Schädelhirntrauma (Mayevsky et al., 1996; Oka et al., 1977), die Epilepsie (Avoli et al., 1991; Leão, 1944) und die Hypoglykämie (Astrup und Norberg, 1976) gehören.

Astrup J and Norberg K. 1976. Potassium activity in cerebral cortex in rats during progressive severe hypoglycemia. Brain Res 103:418-423.

Avoli M, Drapeau C, Louvel J, Pumain R, Olivier A, and Villemure JG. 1991. Epileptiform activity induced by low extracellular magnesium in the human cortex maintained in vitro. Ann Neurol 30:589-596.

Branston NM, Strong AJ, and Symon L. 1977. Extracellular potassium activity, evoked potential and tissue blood flow. Relationships during progressive ischaemia in baboon cerebral cortex. J Neurol Sci 32:305-321.

Leão AA. 1944. Spreading depression of activity in the cerebral cortex. J Neurophysiol 7:359-390.

Mayevsky A, Doron A, Manor T, Meilin S, Zarchin N, and Ouaknine GE. 1996. Cortical spreading depression recorded from the human brain using a multiparametric monitoring system. Brain Res 740:268-274.

Nedergaard M and Astrup J. 1986. Infarct rim: effect of hyperglycemia on direct current potential and [14C]2-deoxyglucose phosphorylation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 6:607-615.

Oka H, Kako M, Matsushima M, and Ando K. 1977. Traumatic spreading depression syndrome. Review of a particular type of head injury in 37 patients. Brain 100:287-298.

Strong AJ, Venables GS, and Gibson G. 1983. The cortical ischaemic penumbra associated with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in the cat: 1. Topography of changes in blood flow, potassium ion activity, and EEG. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 3:86-96.


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(Graf Isolan) Schumann