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A critical discussion of the thesis by Aziza El Harrak: Pharmacological investigation of spreading depression propagation in rat neocortical tissues

Submitted to the department of medicine of the Wilhelms-Universität Münster, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor medicinae dentium. 1st examiner: PD Dr. med. Christoph Greiner 2nd examiner: Prof. Dr. med. Ali Gorji. Oral examination: 20. November 2009. Publication: Münster, 6. January 2010.
→ Nachweis: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek "Ursprünglich als Dissertation veröffentlicht, Doktorgrad wurde am 28.04.2016 entzogen."
→ Nachweis: UB Münster "Entzug des Doktorgrades im Jahr 2016."
→ Verwaltungsgericht Münster weist am 13. März 2017 die Klage ab (Az 10 K 1792/16)
→ Oberverwaltungsgericht Nordrhein-Westfalen weist am 4.1.2018 die Berufung zurück (14 A 610/17)



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To date (15. Oktober 2024, 23:48:01 (UTC+2)) text parallels have been documented on 13 of 15 pages. This corresponds to a proportion of 86.7% of the total pages. Of these, 3 of the pages contain 50% to 75% text parallels and 8 of the pages contain more than 75% text parallels.
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Verification process

Task: Fragmentation

Task: Review

Task: Protection (only for Administrators)

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See also